Kiwanis Club of Celina, Ohio
"Serving The Children Of The World"
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As a club leader, it’s your job to keep your club healthy and your members
engaged. Use these tools to recognize achievements, raise funds and maintain your club’s good health. Find more helpful resources online at
Awards and recognition programs
When you present awards and recognize members, you keep everyone in your club engaged
and motivated throughout the year. Take time to celebrate contributions and achievements.
Club awards
Your club can make the work of running your club fun and rewarding by recognizing members’
hard work and accomplishments. It’s also thoughtful to share a small gift with guests and speakers at your club. Find ideas for recognition and awards at www.kiwanis.org/recognition. Looking for items to give? Check out the selection of Kiwanis-branded items at the Kiwanis Family Store (https://store.kiwanis.org/).
District awards
Your district will have a suite of awards and recognition opportunities for your club and members. Look for them on your district website, at district and division conferences and in materials provided by your district office. Contact your district for details.
Kiwanis International awards
Your club has the opportunity to earn recognition from Kiwanis International too. There are so many opportunities to shine! Here’s a quick look at the different types of recognition available to both clubs and individual members. Please note that some types of recognition honor achievements and others honor clubs and individuals for their financial contributions. Visit the websites listed in each section to stay up to date on the latest recognition opportunities. There’s almost always something new!
• Life Member status
• Legion of Honor
• Ruby K pin for recruiting five or more new members
• Distinguished member award
• Kiwanis International Foundation Leadership Society—foundation contribution of US$250
• Kiwanis International Foundation George F. Hixson Fellowship—foundation contribution
of US$1,000
• Kiwanis International Foundation Tablet of Honor—foundation contribution of US$2,000
• G. Harold Martin Fellow—Key Club Youth Opportunities Fund contribution of US$250
• Carthage-Pullman Society Fellow—Circle K Tomorrow Fund contribution of US$250
• Sapphire Circle Honorary Fellow—Circle K Tomorrow Fund contribution of US$1000
• Distinguished club award
• Outstanding sponsor banner patch for Kiwanis Kids, Builders Club, Key Club, CKI or
Aktion Club—nomination by Service Leadership Program club
• Kiwanis International Foundation banner patch—club contribution to the
Kiwanis International Foundation Annual Campaign
• Kiwanis International Foundation banner patch—club contribution to the
Foundation Skip-a-Meal program
• Kiwanis One Day participation banner patch. Follow instructions online at www.KiwanisOne.org/oneday.
• Young Children: Priority One participation banner patch. Follow instructions online at
• Read Around the World participation banner patch. Follow instructions online at www.KiwanisOne.org/read.
Legion of Honor
The Legion of Honor program is a way your club and Kiwanis International can recognize club members who have accumulated a total of 25 or more years (not necessarily without interruption) of membership in one or more Kiwanis clubs. Even a club organized within the past 25 years may have a member entitled to Legion of Honor recognition because of membership before joining the present club.
Appropriate Legion of Honor lapel pin and/or certificates may be ordered from the Kiwanis Family Store catalog. These specify either “25 years” or some other multiple of five greater than 25—30, 35, 40, etc. Recognize Legion of Honor members in the same way each time an additional five years of service is accumulated.
Kiwanis International Foundation awards
You and your club can extend your Kiwanis impact and earn recognition by supporting the Kiwanis International Foundation. Refer to page 118 to learn more about recognition programs offered by the Kiwanis International Foundation. You can also learn more at www.kiwanis.org/foundation.
Global Campaign for Children: The Eliminate Project
The Eliminate Project, our current Global Campaign for Children, extends through 2015, and donations will continue to come in after the formal conclusion of the campaign. Discover opportunities for recognition at the individual and club level at www.The EliminateProject.org/recognition. Learn how the Service Leadership Programs you support can earn recognition at www.TheEliminateProject.org/slpawards.
The Kiwanis International Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Program provides legal liability insurance for clubs, members and Service Leadership Program organizations when they become legally obligated to pay damages to third parties for bodily injury or property damage associated with a Kiwanis-family-sponsored function or activity.
This insurance covers clubs in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. Clubs pay per member for this coverage, which is submitted with the payment of Kiwanis International dues. Clubs are authorized to allocate from revenue of fundraising projects, as an expense, all premium charges.
The provisions of the policy apply to most normal liability exposures of Kiwanis clubs. As with most insurance policies, there are exclusions, limitations and restrictions. For a list of these exclusions, see the Club Insurance Resource Guide. Kiwanis International strongly urges its member clubs not to conduct events that would involve: (1) the use or operation of a mechanical amusement device or ride owned or operated by a Kiwanis club or Kiwanis club member, or (2) the detonation of fireworks or explosive devices detonated directly by a Kiwanis club, Kiwanis club member or other named insured. This is a legal liability policy, and
it does not provide medical payment benefits or any other voluntary payment coverages. However, Kiwanis International provides medical payment coverage on a self-insured basis.
More information is contained in the Club Insurance Resource Guide, which is sent to your club secretary annually. Or find it at www.KiwanisOne.org/liability.
Owners of premises and other facilities used by Kiwanis may be included as additional insureds with respect to their liability for the Kiwanis use of their property. When required, Certificates of Insurance will be issued in their favor upon request.
Contact Hylant at kiwaniscert@hylant.com or at 301 Pennsylvania Parkway, Suite 201, Indianapolis, IN 46268-1396, USA, 800-678-0361 (U.S. and Canada) or +1-317-817-5000 (worldwide).
Kiwanis International’s liability limit of US$1 million for each occurrence is provided by the primary policy. Additional limits of umbrella coverages are provided in amounts that vary depending on market pricing and availability. This summary contains only some of the principle provisions of this insurance and is not to be considered a contract of insurance.
Branding and public awareness
Your club is part of something big—a global organization with clubs in more than 80 countries—and a global brand that every Kiwanis club and every Kiwanis member shares. When you’re promoting your club in your community, be sure you’re using the most current Kiwanis International branding. That way everything you do will also support your fellow Kiwanians and their clubs around the world. The more we share our brand, the more we can do for children in our own communities and around the world. You can find resources to support your club’s public awareness efforts at www.KiwanisOne.org/awareness. Download logos at www.kiwanis.org/logos and our latest brand guide at www.kiwanis.org/brandguide.
Club publications
Club newsletter
Newsletters keep club members in touch and can improve member engagement and retention. You can deliver your club newsletter in several ways—online on a website, via email or in print form. In some clubs, the secretary prepares the club newsletter. In others, a member appointed by the president as newsletter editor prepares it. Look for newsletter resources at www.KiwanisOne.org.Here are some factors to consider.
Be sure your newsletter includes the latest Kiwanis International branding. Find logos at
www.kiwanis.org/logos and a brand guide at www.kiwanis.org/brandguide.
A good newsletter reaches all members in advance of the meeting for which it is prepared. Start with a
simple schedule based on your meeting schedules.
• Consider these ideas for your publication:
• Announcements of upcoming service initiatives, club meeting programs and other activities
• Tips on leadership, service and club management
• Reports on committee and club achievements and recognition of individual achievements
• Stories about the Service Leadership Programs your club sponsors (Kiwanis Kids—including K-Kids, BUG and Terrific Kids—Builders Club, Key Club, Key Leader, CKI or Aktion Club)
• Information on upcoming division, district and Kiwanis International activities (publicity at the club level adds
greatly to their success)
• Information on official action by the board of directors or the club
• A brief report on the past week’s meeting
• Official calls of meetings at which members will be asked to vote and the wording of any proposed bylaw
amendment or resolution
• Relevant community news and events
• Biographical sketches of new members
• A reminder to members to bring guests
• Items of general interest about individual members—for example, a promotion, marriage, retirement, award, or a
Club websites
More clubs are using a club website to get their message out and attract attention.
Currently more than 600 Kiwanis clubs use the Club Management System, which includes club website hosting and simple tools for creating your club website. The system offers a model site that is completely user-friendly and branded according to Kiwanis guidelines. Find out how to create or enhance your club website at https://www.kiwanis.org/clubs/member-resources/club-website/club-website.
Kiwanis International publications
Kiwanis magazine
Kiwanis magazine, an official publication of Kiwanis International, is delivered to all members of English-speaking clubs in the United States and Canada and can be purchased for other members and nonmembers through the Membership Information Form.
Clubs and members are encouraged to submit their stories of Kiwanis achievements by email to shareyourstory@kiwanis.org or by mail to Kiwanis magazine, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268, USA. The magazine receives many reports, so the publications staff cannot promise if or when a story will be used. However, all submissions are considered and appreciated.
Kiwanis magazine uses high quality, professional photography. Large, high-resolution digital, color images are preferred. Anyone appearing in a photo in any publication of clubs should sign a photo release. For more information about Kiwanis magazine, go to www.kiwanismagazine.org.
Kiwanis International Update
A monthly email newsletter, Kiwanis International Update is available to members and nonmembers worldwide at no cost. The publication shows off inspiring stories from clubs worldwide and delivers news and resources from Kiwanis International. It is available in Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.
To subscribe, visit www.kiwanis.org/email.
Kiwanis-family publications
Kiwanis International publishes print or electronic periodicals for Key Club and Circle K International. Key Club magazine www.keyclub.org/magazine Key Club magazine is published digitally and in print. Print issues of Key Club magazine are mailed to
each club’s school address. Ask your Kiwanis club’s Key Club advisor to confirm that the magazines are distributed to students. CKI magazine www.circlek.org/magazine
CKI magazine is only published digitally. Your Kiwanis club’s CKI advisor should promote new
magazine issues to members of your sponsored CKI club.