Kiwanis Club of Celina, Ohio
"Serving The Children Of The World"
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President’s Monthly Checklist
April–June (before your term of office)
Announce date, time and location of club leadership education courses as soon as they become available.
Schedule a summer planning meeting with Kiwanis club leadership, Kiwanis club advisor(s) of any Service Leadership Programs and the officers of the sponsored club.
Seek advice from current officers for next year and assist them in making the current year highly successful.
Attend the Kiwanis International convention and make plans to attend your district convention.
Mark your calendar with division council and new-club-building dates for the year.
Apply for any Kiwanis International Foundation grants by April 15.
July (before your term of office)
Select committee chairmen and special appointees. Meet with each chairman to establish goals and expectations. Encourage each committee chairman to complete a club committee chairman education session.
Work with the membership committee chairman to develop a solid growth plan. Consult www.KiwanisOne.org/growth for resources and guidance.
Arrange a meeting with the current president. Seek advice on areas of improvement in the club. Ask about conducting a community analysis and a club assessment to help develop goals for the upcoming year.
Report to your club about your attendance at the Kiwanis International convention.
Finalize plans to attend the district convention as one of your club’s three delegates.
August (before your term of office)
Complete a club president education session before September 30.
Work closely with the incoming club secretary to ensure that he or she attends a club secretary education session before September 30.
Provide the program committee chairman with a schedule of meeting dates and encourage him or her to develop a program assignment schedule for the calendar year.
Finalize a growth plan with the membership committee.
Schedule a budget planning session with the board and committee chairmen for late September. Approve the club budget before October 15 (preferably by October 1).
Determine the need for director’s and officer’s liability insurance with club board.
Consider what financial assistance will be given to delegates and alternates attending the Kiwanis International convention.
Consider what financial assistance will be given to delegates attending your district convention.
Consider a club donation to the Kiwanis International Foundation annual campaign.
See that your club treasurer receives copies of pertinent information from the incoming secretary.
Arrange a meeting with the current and incoming treasurers. Review responsibilities and procedures at that meeting.
Accompany Key Club, Builders Club and Kiwanis Kids advisors to visit school principals to reinforce the sponsored club support for the coming year. Confirm sponsorship needs of Circle K International and Aktion Clubs as well.
September (before your term of office)
Develop an agenda for the club president’s planning conference. See pages 62–63 of the for more details. Conduct this session before September 30.
Review Kiwanis International awards programs as well as any awards programs offered by your division or district. This information is in the reference materials section of this guide.
Make plans for any joint service, social and/or fundraising activities for the year with your club’s sponsored Service Leadership Program clubs.
Make plans for Kiwanis Family Month (November).
Make certain every officer, board member and committee chairman is prepared to “hit the ground running” on October 1.
Plan the club president’s address, which will be at the first or second club meeting in October.
Report to your club about what you learned at your district convention.
Extend invitation(s) to sponsored Service Leadership Programs club president(s) and faculty advisor(s) to attend the club officer installation event.
Encourage representatives from your Key Club to attend Key Leader weekends.
Raise awareness in your community by using the Kiwanis brand consistently. Make sure
your membership committee follows the latest Kiwanis brand guide available at
For every board meeting:
• Coordinate with the club secretary to prepare the meeting agenda.
• Review progress on each goal and project.
• Collect committee reports.
For every club meeting:
• Coordinate with the club secretary to prepare the meeting agenda.
• Confirm program/speaker (if applicable).
• Evaluate the past month’s meetings and adjust as needed.
• Confirm new-member inductions for the meeting and have supplies ready.
• Begin and end the meeting on time.
Before your first board meeting, review the minutes of past month’s board meeting.
Finalize this year’s goals and budget at this board meeting. Send club goals to your lieutenant governor.
Before your first club meeting, review a sample agenda, included in this guide.
Announce and make preparations for the lieutenant governor’s visit.
Ask the membership committee to submit a news release about the installation of club officers to the local newspaper. Encourage the chairman to publicize club news throughout the year.
Consider any proposed resolutions or amendments to the Kiwanis International Bylaws that your club would like to have presented at the Kiwanis International convention. Submit your proposals to the Kiwanis International Office by October 31.
Be the first to induct a new member. Challenge others to follow your example.
Consider applying for a Kiwanis International Foundation grant by November 15.
Make certain all club, division, district and Kiwanis International news, projects and events are
communicated through newsletters and announcements. Make sure members learn something about Kiwanis each week.
Observe Kiwanis Family Month. Designate weeks to recognize the Circle K International, Key Club, Builders Club, Aktion Club and Kiwanis Kids clubs that your club sponsors.
Take part in Giving Tuesday. For more information, check out www.kiwanis.org/foundation.
Make plans to interact with your club’s Service Leadership Programs for January through May.
Encourage members to attend mid-year conferences.
Continue to encourage club members to register for and attend the Kiwanis International convention.
Check in with committee chairmen to talk about progress toward goals.
With the club secretary, review first quarter club and board meetings; committee programs/projects; and involvement in division, district and Kiwanis International events and programs. Look for areas of success as well as needed improvements.
Make plans for your club’s involvement in Kiwanis One Day.
Conduct the annual club meeting/election of officers between January 1 and May 15.
Make certain your Circle K International and Key Clubs elect and report new officers to your district and the Kiwanis International Office.
Appoint a nominating committee at least five weeks before the annual club meeting.
Ensure your Key Clubs and Circle K International clubs are represented at district conventions.
Remind Key Clubs and Circle K International clubs to attend their district’s education session.
Ensure plans are completed for Kiwanis One Day participation.
Review Kiwanis International award programs, as well as district, division and club award programs. Determine if your club is on target. Look for additional opportunities at www.kiwanis.org/recogntion.
Encourage club members who plan to attend the Kiwanis International convention to submit their registration forms at www.kiwanis.org/convention.
Elect two primary delegates and two alternate delegates to represent the club at the Kiwanis
International convention at least 60 days before the convention.
Consider items of business to be proposed at your district convention.
At least 30 days before your district convention, elect three delegates to represent your club
at the event. Encourage the Circle K International and Key Clubs you support to attend their
district conventions.
Consider applying for a Kiwanis International Foundation grant by April 15
Ensure club involvement in Kiwanis One Day. Celebrate your successes!
Elect two delegates and two alternates to represent your club at the Kiwanis International convention.
Assist your Service Leadership Program clubs with end-of-year recognition activities. Invite club members’ parents and have Kiwanis membership materials available for them. Present mementos to outgoing officers and faculty advisors.
Meet with incoming president. Offer advice on areas of potential improvement in the club.
Participate in Kiwanis International Foundation’s Skip-a-Meal.
Remind the incoming president to attend the club leadership education session offered in your area. Contact district office for details.
Finalize plans for delegates, alternates and other club members to attend the
Kiwanis International convention.
Consider items of business to be proposed at the district convention.
Elect three delegates to represent your club at the district convention.
Ensure your Circle K International and Key Clubs are represented at their conventions.
Review Kiwanis International award programs, as well as district, division and club award programs. Determine if your club is on target. Look for additional opportunities at www.kiwanis.org/recogntion.
Involve your successor in club operations and procedures and encourage early preparation for next year.
Finalize plans for delegates and other club members to attend the district convention.
Encourage representatives from your Key Club to attend Key Leader weekends.
Review club and member accomplishments and recognize contributions.
Ask club members who attended the Kiwanis International convention to report to your club about the business that was conducted and their experiences.
Remind the president-elect to accompany Builders Club, Key Club and Kiwanis Kids committee chairmen to visit the school principals to ensure the sponsored programs plans are made for the coming school year. Also, set up a meeting with the college/university officials on the campuses of your sponsored Circle K International clubs.
Plan the installation ceremony, which is usually conducted at the end of September or the beginning of October. Work with your secretary to make certain the merchandise order is submitted for items traditionally used by your club to honor incoming and outgoing officers and other club leaders (officer pins, plaques, certificates, etc.) and allow three to six weeks plus shipping time for items requiring personalization. Invite the incoming lieutenant governor to install incoming officers.
Assist incoming president with planning for upcoming year.
Work with the secretary to order any awards earned by club members.
Ask club members who attended the district convention to report to your club about the Conduct an installation ceremony.
Encourage representatives from your Key Club to attend Key Leader weekends.
Submit a club gift to the Kiwanis International Foundation by September 30 either online or postmarked by that date for appropriate recognition.
October (following your term of office)
Pass president’s materials to incoming club president.
Congratulations on your year of success!
Your district needs strong leaders. Consider becoming a Lieutenant Governor.