Kiwanis Club of Celina, Ohio
"Serving The Children Of The World"
This Web-site is no longer being updated.
It was replaced in January of 2020 by:
Standing Committees
(See Bylaws)
Committee members' terms shall be for 1 year each, October 1 - September 30. It is recommended that no person serve more than three (3) consecutive terms. The only committee required by the Kiwanis International Standard Form for Club Bylaws is an annual financial review committee, unless the club hires a qualified accounting firm to conduct its annual financial examination.
Growth & Retention New Member Initiation Public Relations
Larry Goins (Chair) Current President Linda Goodwin - Media
J. T. Irmscher Hans Rehrmann - Newsletter Web-site
Scholarship Library Winter Warmth Day Healthy Kids
Linda May (Chair) Amy Broering Unassigned (Chair) Hans Rehrmann
Linda Goodwin All club Members
Suzanne Murlin
Jenny Jamieson
Aktion Club
Hans Rehrmann
Lake Fest Reindog Event Gas Cards 50/50 Drawings
Larry Goins (Chair) J. T. Irmscher (Chair) Rita Schmit Linda Goodwin
All Members All Members Amy Broering
Ad Hoc Committees
Lakefront Park Playground Mr. Potato Head
Dale Hart (Chair) All members
Current Board
Rita Schmit
J. T. Irmscher
The club’s financial records will be examined annually by either (a) a qualified accounting firm; or (b) a standing financial review committee, as provided in club policy.
The club’s accounting records will be available for inspection by the accounting firm or the committee and, upon request, by the president or board. A written report of the annual financial examination shall be submitted to the board. (Bylaws Article 8.3.)