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Kiwanis Club of Celina, Ohio
"Serving The Children Of The World"
This Web-site is no longer being updated.
It was replaced in January of 2020 by:

2015 Coloring Contest
The coloring contest is held at the 1st grade and Kindergarten level and is a part of the annual
Reindog event. The first place winners in each grade receive a bicycle and the 2nd place winners receive a scooter. These items were donated by the Celina WalMart Super Center.

Madison Muntzinger -1st Grade, 1st place winner.

No photo available.
Makenna Adams -1st Grade, 2nd place winner.

Stephanie Brancaleone - Kindergarten, 1st place winner.

Gabby Secrest - Kindergarten, 2nd place winner.

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