Kiwanis Club of Celina, Ohio
"Serving The Children Of The World"
This Web-site is no longer being updated.
It was replaced in January of 2020 by:
Kiwanis Club of Celina
Newsletter for January 22, 2020
January Birthdays
01/07 Phillip Miller
01/16 Suzanne Murlin
Next Program Host:
Linda May
Next Aktion Club Visitor
Rita Schmit
The Aktion Club meets at 6:15 pm
every 2nd Tuesday of the Month
at the Briarwood Village,
100 Don Desh Dr. Coldwater, OH.
Membership Anniversary
01/03/1918 – Kelly Westgerdes
01/31/1918 – Molly Stephenson
Club Information
Our club meets every Wednesday at noon. The first Wednesday of every month is a board meeting.
We meet at CJ's HighMarks Restaurant, 1211 Irmscher Blvd, Celina, Ohio.
Our Mailing address is:
Kiwanis Club of Celina
PO BOX 671
Celina, OH 45822-0671
(Printable PDF,s)
To contact us leave a message below:
Kiwanis Pledge
I pledge to uphold the Objects of Kiwanis International,
to provide service to my community,
to extend the opportunity of membership to all persons of goodwill,
and to dedicate myself to serving the children of the world.
Upcoming Events
Member Attendance: Kelly Westgerdes, Marjorie Stachler, Hans Rehrmann, J. T. Irmscher, Linda Goodwin, Karen Cisco, Megan Smith, Phil Miller, Brad Brookhart, Dale Hart, Rita Schmit, Amy Broering, Suzanne Murlin and Jenny Jamieson.
Guest: Dr. Schmiesing, Barbara Vorhees, Bill Sell.
Club President Kelly Westgerdes opened the meeting in the traditional manner. Happy Sad Dollar werecollected.
Jenny Jamieson introduced today’s speakers: Barb Vorhees and Bill Sell representing the Celina City Schools and speaking on behave of the upcoming school levy. Super Intendant Dr. Schmiesing attended later. The following pages cover their presentation in detail:
Barbara Vorhees and Bill Sell.
Rates of Taxation Comparison.
Celina: After passing the levy would be at 42.85 mills.
Coldwater: is at 51.78 mills.
St. Marys: is at 56.77 mills.
Van Wert: is at 52.30 mills.
Kiwanis Education.
66. Club bylaws set a limit of 90 minutes for a club meeting, from the time when the meeting is called to order until it is adjourned. Clubs are required to conduct meetings at least twice per month. To receive attendance credit, a member must be present for at least 60 percent of a meeting.