Kiwanis Club of Celina, Ohio
"Serving The Children Of The World"
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Mr. Potato Head - 2015
Cara Muhlenkamp, the Mercer County Fair Manager, had asked the Kiwanis Club of Celina to host this year's “Mr. Potato Head” contest. Club member Cindy Piper took the bull by the horn and did an outstanding job emceeing the event. This being the first time our club has done anything like it, it went off very well. Several mothers commented to that effect.
It was also a good publicity event for our club.

These were the submissions

And these were the winners.

Participating club members
Rear, left to right, Karen Cisco, Cindy Piper, Ruth Link, Patty Williams, Ken Rosengarten, Jenny Jamieson, and Linda May. Front, left to right, Hans Rehrmann, Patricia Murlin, Linda Goodwin and Marjorie Stachler.