Kiwanis Club of Celina, Ohio
"Serving The Children Of The World"
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Make A Difference Day 2008
On Friday, October 24th 2008, the Celina Kiwanis Club, as part of the annual Make-A-Difference-Day, donated winter coats, hats, gloves, and mittens to the “Our Home” charity located on Fayette Street in Celina. In addition, the Celina Kiwanis Club also donated canned goods and $120.00 in cash to the “Call” ministry located on Main Street in Celina. These gifts were donated or collected by members of the Kiwanis Club and were highly appreciated since the need at this time of year is very great.

Kiwanis Club members,
Marjorie Stachler, Cheryl Niekamp, and Ruth Link,
donating clothes at "Our Home".

Kiwanis Club members,
Ruth Link and Marjorie Stachler,
donating canned goods and cash to "Call" ministries.