Kiwanis Club of Celina, Ohio
"Serving The Children Of The World"
This Web-site is no longer being updated.
It was replaced in January of 2020 by:

Speaker Availability List
Micheline Ricker
Hello! I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Area Agency on Aging 3. I am the marketing coordinator at the agency and was wondering if you ever have speakers at your meetings featuring local businesses or non-profits? The agency offers so many FREE programs and services and we help not just seniors, but persons with disabilities and caregivers too. Would love the opportunity to speak to your staff about what we offer the Mercer County community.
I can be reached at 419-222-7723, Mon-Fri. Our CEO Jacqi would love to come and speak to the group.
V. J. Westerheide -- Currently not available.
(419) 268-2244
His son is paralized from waist down
Yet he can walk with his Robot Exoskeleton.
They are available to speak to us.
Cara Muhlenkamp
Mercer County Fair Manager
Email: cmuhlenkamp@mercercountyohiofair.com
2 Sisters Sweet Shoppe
112 W. Market St.
Celina, Ohio
(567) 890-2747
Molly Hay Circle-K Advisor
Wants to give an update on Circle-K
The Gel's Home Bed and Breakfast
507 N 2nd St, Coldwater, OH 45828
(419) 678-3288
Subject Guest Speaker for the Kiwanis Club of Celina, OH
Message Good afternoon - In 2012, we gave a presentation to your organization about the pork industry. From the feedback we received at that time, it looks like your members enjoyed it very much. I am pleased to tell you that we now have a new presentation to offer you with all new information. Presentation Title: “Farming and Food” The 15-minute presentation will cover: *Why farmers will need to double the amount of food they grow in less than 40 years. *How modern farming practices are helping farmers raise better food while improving animal care and protecting the environment. For example, the USDA reports that pork tenderloin is now as lean as skinless chicken breast. *How agriculture continues to evolve by using science and technology to do more with less land, energy and water. For example, farmers now use 41% less water and 78% less land to raise pork than they did 50 years ago. Like before, this presentation is being offered as a community service and there is no cost associated. I hope you find this topic of interest for an upcoming membership meeting. I will follow up with you to get your thoughts and hopefully discuss a speaking engagement date. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 1-800-711-0747 ext.235 or you may reach me via email at sara@eidsonandpartners.com. Thank you so much for your time and assistance and I look forward to hearing from you! --
Sara Hadley Eidson & Partners Inc. 8700 State Line Road - Suite: 300 Leawood, KS 66206 800-711-0747 ext. 235 sara@eidsonandpartners.com
Sent on: 14 January, 2015