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Kiwanis Club of Celina, Ohio
"Serving The Children Of The World"
This Web-site is no longer being updated.
It was replaced in January of 2020 by:

2015 Christmas Party
This year's Christmas Party between the Coldwater and Celina Kiwanis clubs was held at 6 PM on Tuesday December 15th at CJ's HighMarks Restaurant in Celina and attended by 59 members and spouses. The food was delicious and, thanks to Marjorie Stachler, the Celina club President, the party was a very enjoyable affair.

Lt. Governor Dennis Elwer, gave a brief presentation about a young girl, Jessie Rees, who died at age 12 of brain cancer. Here is what she did after she found out that she had only 8 months left to live. It is a truly inspiring story: Jessie Rees

Three members of the Coldwater Kiwanis Club were honored with the Walter Zeller award.
They are left to right Tom Stelzer, Paul Honigford and Dean Schaller with Lt. Governor Elwer in back.

Four lovely students from the Celina High School entertained us with Christmas Carols.
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