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On June 18th, 2015 representatives for Shoes for H.O.P.E. picked up a load of shoes collected by clubs from Division 2 of the Ohio Disctrict of Kiwanis International. A total of 268 bags, each containing 25 pairs of shoes, were loaded onto the truck. That is 6700 pairs of shoes that barely fit into the truck.
Thanks to everyone that contributed to make this event possible.

Representatives from Missions in Motion - Shoes for H.O.P.E. posing with Division 2 Lt. Gov. Karen Cisco and and Ohio District Chair Linda Steinbrunner.

The whole gang posing after loading 268 bags of shoes onto the truck. That is 6700 pairs of shoes.

Thanks so much to the Mariner's Baseball Team who provided lots of muscle to lift and pack the bags which each contained 25 pairs of shoes.

Wow! The door will close.
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