Welcome to Division 2 of the
Ohio District of Kiwanis International!
Who are we?
Globally, Kiwanis International is an organization of volunteers who are dedicated on changing the world by serving children, one child and one community at a time. This organization is comprised of 600,000 members in over 90 different nations! We are formed by nearly 15,000 local clubs around the world whose purpose is to make a positive difference in their own community through service, leadership and personal growth.
The Kiwanis Clubs in Division 2 are all part of this global network. Our members include community members of the area who have proactively dedicated themselves to making difference, either through your residential neighborhood or your workplace, you have already made an investment in this community and we encourage you to become more involved as a Kiwanis member.
We need caring people like you to help us achieve our goal of becoming a positive influence in the area. Kiwanis offers many service, leadership and fellowship opportunities, as well as the chance to create networks with business professionals about membership.