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Latest News

Jennifer Weinberg

May 12 2016




I apologize that the newsletter has not come out in recent months.  I wanted to be able to announce the Aktion Club Convention.





Ohio Aktion Club Convention - July 16, 2016 - University of Findlay - Mark your calendar.  Registration information will be out very soon.  The Aktion Club of Hancock County and the Kiwanis Club of Findlay will be hosting the Convention this year.  It will be a one day event.  The registration cost will be $50 and will include a continental breakfast, dining hall lunch, and snacks throughout the day, a T-shirt, use of the facility and materials.


The location is handicap accessible, but we will walk a short distance to the Dining Hall for lunch.  Parking is located right outside of the buildings that we will be using.


We will once again have a Service Fair for clubs to show their projects and learn new ideas from each other.


Look for an email in the next week with the Registration Form.


Kiwanis Mid Year - I want to thank all of the Aktion Club members and advisors/caregivers who attended Mid Year.  Please share any feedback that you have about the event and Aktion Clubs participation in it.  This feedback will help us decide how to plan Mid Year for 2017.



Kiwanis District Convention - August 12-14, 2016 - Great Wolf Lodge, Mason, OH - Aktion Club members are welcome to attend any part of the Kiwanis Convention.  I will send the link for registration once it is available.  The Convention Committee negotiated a great rate at the hotel, so Aktion Club members' families may want to consider getting a room for the great rate (~$125). 


TLC - Training & Leadership Conference - there are 3 locations for TLC this year - Toronto June 23, Baltimore July 22-24, and South Sioui City, NE September 16-18.  For more information, go to




Tom E. Crawford Service Award - due to me by June 24th - This award is for the "Best overall service project" completed in the past year.  Tom was a Kiwanian whose parents wish to honor him through this award.  Sadly, his mother Marylou passed away this Spring.  The 2016 will be a very meaningful award to honor both of these individuals.  Please complete the form (attached) and return them to me, Jennifer Weinberg, no later than Friday, June 24th.  The award will be presented at the Ohio Aktion Club Convention on July 16th.


Scrapbook, Speech, and Poster Contests - Ohio's contests will take place at the Convention on July 16th.  Everything you need to know about these contests in the attachment "Aktion Club Contest Theme 2016."  Please complete the forms that are in the attachment "Contest_Booklet."  (Note: a DVD of the oratorical contest is only needed for International submission, not Ohio)  PLEASE participate in these contests! 




Youth Protection Guidelines - Kiwanis International has developed the Youth Protection Guidelines.  This is focused at working with people under 18, but I recommend that Aktion Club Advisors review these materials because they are best practices for working with all of our Service Leadership Programs.  Background checks are required for all advisors.  Kiwanis provides them for $19.95.

More info:




Kiwanis One Day - What did your club do for Kiwanis One Day?  Please share on the Ohio Aktion Club Facebook site.


The Eliminate Project - If your club has collected money to donate to the Eliminate Project, please make sure you send it in.  In Ohio, Aktion Clubs have donated around $1,600.00 directly to Kiwanis International.  (I am sure many Aktion Clubs have helped Kiwanis with their fundraisers too.)  Kiwanis International is still working to raise more money to eliminate Maternal-Neonatal Tetanus, so any effort your club makes is important.


Kiwanis Governor Amy Zimmerman's Project: Amtryke - At Mid Year, we will sell the remaining Convention shirts to continue to raise funds for the Amtryke project.  These Amtrykes give people who ordinarily cannot ride a bike an opportunity to ride a therapeutic bicycle.  I have raised a small amount of money to be donated towards this.  Our clubs can get together to raise enough funds for an Amtryke to be given away at our Aktion Club Convention.  Please let me know if your club is interested in doing this.  If you know of someone who could benefit from one of these bikes, go to the website below.


A lot of information...... please contact me if you have any questions.


Take care,

Jennifer Weinberg

Ohio Aktion Club Administrator



Posted: 04/28/2016


I am pleased to announce that this year's annual Ohio Aktion Club Convention will be July 16th at the University of Findlay. The Hancock County Aktion Club and the Kiwanis Club of Findlay are hosting this event.


Jennifer DeFrance Weinberg

Aktion Club Administrator 



The following was extracted from the Ohio District of Kiwanis "Buckeye Bulletin".


Jennifer Weinberg

Aktion Club Administrator



Ohio Aktion Clubs have been off to a great start in 2015-16! First, the Shelby County Aktion Club chartered in November 2015 with 24 members.Then, the Miami County Aktion Club chartered in April 2016 with 23 members. Congratulations Aktion Club members and the Kiwanians and advisors who support them! I am excited for the day that there is at least one Aktion Club in each of our 88 counties.


Does your county have an Aktion Club? For the first time, Aktion Club members attended the Ohio Mid Year Conference in March. Numerous clubs were represented at the event. Members were eager to participate in all of the Kiwanis activities and attend workshops tailored for Aktion Club members. Aktion Clubs prepared posters and displays for the Service Fair exhibit to show off all of their great volunteerism throughout the state.


Clubs can start working on their contest entries. The KI theme is “Call to Lead.” Members are asked to think about times when they have been leaders in their clubs or communities. As Kiwanians, we should talk with members about this concept. One does not have to have a title to be a leader. Helping Aktion Club members understand the value of their individual leadership can be monumental in developing their personal leadership and socialization skills. Individuals who enter the Speech and Poster Contest should focus on the “Call to Lead” theme. Clubs can enter their best service project of the year for the Single Service Award and can work together to create a Scrapbook to show their service and fellowship.


Aktion Clubs have been busy volunteering with Kiwanians on Kiwanis One Day, assisting Kiwanis Clubs attheir fundraisers (especially pancake breakfasts and spaghetti dinners), and doing many great service projects. This is a growing group of dedicated Kiwanis-Family members! In the upcoming months, the Ohio Aktion Club will announce the location and date for their Annual convention. Also, we will be developing a new website to keep in touch with our members. Feel free to contact me with any Aktion Club


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